A Savonneries Bruxelloises story
- 1922
- The Karak Soap and Perfumery Works was founded
by Emile Collin (Industrial born in 1873) and Alexis Huylenbroeck
(perfumer born in 1865) - 1926
- Karak produces their first soaps 27 Ed.Tollenaere street in Brussels
- 1953
- Henri Nanson creates the sprl Nouvelles Savonneries Bruxelloises bvba
- 1983
- SA Savonneries Bruxelloises NV owned by Roland Nanson
- 1993
- SA Savonneries Bruxelloises NV owned by Vincent Laurencin & François Van de Velde
- 2010
- Rebranding of Savonneries Bruxelloises own line
- 2016
- Promoted Belgian Warrant Holder – Fournisseur Breveté de la Cour – Hofleverancier van België – Hoflieferanten des Belgischen Königshauses
- 2019
- Maxime Pecsteen & Maxime de Villenfagne joined Savonneries Bruxelloises
- Today
- Still making beautiful soaps and developing new projects such as solid shampoo bars!